To see all the Gomma people together is quite hard. Everybody is in a different place: The Phenomenal Handclap Band in NYC, Rodion in Rome, WhoMadeWho in Copenhagen, Diskokaine is hanging in Tokyo right now, Golden Bug between Paris and Barcelona, Munk living in Marseille, Telonius in Munich…….
So last spring we started doing big “one off” parties in Berlin… to bring all guys in one place…we do it now 2 times a year…to get all the GOMMA family together.
The next one will be on 14th November in Munich. We got this crazy One-Off location: The Munich Old City Hall which is a medieval city building, never used for parties. Most of the current Gomma guys will perform there: WhoMadeWho , Telonius, new portuguese disco band Moullinex, Munk, Golden Bug and
our old friend SHIT ROBOT from DFA and JUNIOR BOYS will come. We also have a little exhibition with the latest visuals by our boys SMALPAZE and Lukasz Jaworski.